Alternative Dispute Resolution

Apart from the commonly known methods of resolving disputes, there are other methods of resolution in order to expeditiously provide relief. The necessity and benefit of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entities for consumer issues is recognized today not only by consumer organizations, and national authorities, but increasingly in the business sector. Unlike litigation, these dispute resolution methods are successful in providing solutions with the normal lengthy court procedure. Arbitration is a commonly known method of alternative dispute resolution. In relation to arbitration proceedings, parties can approach the Court only for two purposes for any interim measure of protection or injunction or for any appointment of receiver etc.; or for the appointment of an arbitrator in the event a party fails to appoint an arbitrator or if two appointed arbitrators fail to agree upon the third arbitrator. In such an event, in the case of domestic arbitration, the Chief Justice of a High Court may appoint an arbitrator, and in the case of international commercial arbitration, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India may carry out the appointment. Our specialized team dealing with arbitration does legal research and prepares for arbitration as well as mediation even in highly complex matters.

The Firm has consistently maintained a strong presence in alternate dispute resolution processes and more particularly in domestic arbitration, over the years the team has developed and sustained client base to include individuals companies both local and multinational and institutions of high standing across sectors including finance, telecommunications, real estate, joint ventures, resources, environment laws, oil and gas, construction and infrastructure etc. our team has handled and continues handling some of the largest claims in India.